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Post Stroke Depression

Post Stroke Depression: Recognition and Treatment

Dr. Neetu Ramrakhiani Mar 15, 2024

Many stroke survivors experience feelings of anger, frustration, anxiety, sadness, fear, and hopelessness. Since stroke leads to a major change in a patients ability to cope with activities which we normally take for granted , these emotions are common  post-stroke and affects more than one third of stroke survivors


To recognizing post stroke depression, a stroke survivor should be evaluated for depression if he/she had several of these symptoms for more than two weeks. 

Warning symptoms of depression after stroke

  • Feelings of helplessness, hopelessness, and/or worthlessness.
  • Loss of interest in life, activities or hobbies.
  • Social withdrawal.
  • Persistent sad, anxious or empty feelings.
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Difficulty concentrating or remembering details 
  • Expressing of dying and suicidal thoughts.
  • Aches, pains, headaches and digestive problems that do not ease with treatment.
  • Frequent crying episodes
  • Poor appetite or decrease in appetite

Can post stroke depression be treated ?

Untreated depression can lead to worsening of nutrition, incontinence, pain , fatigue and sleep pattern. Depressive thoughts can increase frustration and lead to poor interest in physical and speech therapy which is essential for speedy recovery.  There are a various options  for treatment of post-stroke depression. Consult with your healthcare professional to determine the best course of action. Common treatments include:

  • Medication - Medications known as antidepressants are common treatments for post-stroke depression .  Antidepressant medications interact with chemicals in the brain called neurotransmitters to improve mood. Most of them act by increasing the serotonin levels in brain
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy- This therapy works on identification of feelings and thoughts which lead to development of depression  
  • Mental Health Therapy - Medication is often combined with mental health therapy provided by a psychologist, psychiatrist, social worker, or counsellor.

Role of Nutrition 

Serotonin is a chemical secreted by the brain which controls our appetite and our emotions too. Improving nutrition and increasing food rich in omega 3 fatty acid, vitamin B , folic acid and complex carbohydrates helps in fighting depression and improvement of mood

  • Fish, flaxseed, walnuts are rich in omega 3 fatty acids and improve brain health
  • Brown rice, oatmeal and whole wheat boost neurotransmitter chemicals in the brain that affect mood.
  • Dark chocolate helps fight fatigue and reduce stress.
  • A deficiency in folic acid (found in beans, oranges, and broccoli) is linked to depression; folic acid boosts neurotransmitters and promotes cognition.
  • Vitamin B12 (eggs, milk, liver) increases energy and alertness.

How can caregivers help in fighting post stroke depression

  • Encourage a structured routine increasing walking, regular physical and speech therapy as well as gradually developing in activities of daily living like eating bathing etc.
  • Keep patient upbeat and encourage but have realistic expectations about what can be achieved.
  • Avoid daytime sleeping by a simple walk outdoor or sometime in the garden, which can really help.
  • Evaluation by health care provider to asses need for medications (pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy) for treatment of depression.  
Post Stroke Depression


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Meet the doctor

Dr. Neetu Ramrakhiani
  • Neurology | Neurology
  • Date 21 Years
  • INR 1000

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