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Cholecystectomy (gallbladder removal)

Cholecystectomy (koh-luh-sis-TEK-tuh-me) is a surgical procedure to remove your gallbladder; a pear-shaped organ that sits just below your liver on the upper right side of your abdomen. Your gallbladder collects and stores bile; a digestive fluid produced in your liver.Cholecystectomy may be necessary if you experience pain from gallstones that block the flow of bile. Cholecystectomy is a common surgery, and it carries only a small risk of complications. In many cases, it is done as a daycare procerdure but mostly the patient stays overnight.Cholecystectomy is most commonly performed by inserting a tiny video camera and special surgical tools through four small incisions to see inside your abdomen and remove the gallbladder. Doctors call this laparoscopic cholecystectomy. In some cases, one large incision may be used to remove the gallbladder. This is called an open cholecystectomy.

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