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Delayed Period
Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Decoding delayed periods: Understanding Causes, Recognizing Symptoms, and Navigating Treatment!

admin Feb 23, 2024

The length of the menstrual cycle varies among women, the average get their periods every 28 days. However, in some cases, it can be as short as 21 days to longer depending on the individual. 
For a woman approaching 30 facing sudden delays in periods can be a cause for concern, especially for those who are used to having regular periods for more than a decade. Delayed or irregular periods could be worrisome.

What could be the reasons for delayed or irregular periods?
Various factors can contribute to delayed or irregular periods, and it's not always pregnancy. Let's understand the potential causes in detail:

  • Stress: High stress levels, often linked to academic pressure or a demanding professional environment, can lead to delayed periods, particularly in women aged 20 to 40. Increased cortisol levels, associated with stress, are found to impact menstruation.
  • Strenuous exercise: Intense exercise or aerobic training can disrupt the menstrual cycles in the case of female athletes. Studies show that secondary amenorrhea (lack of menstruation during reproductive years) happens in up to 44% of women who do vigorous exertion compared with 2-5% of the general population.
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)Women with PCOS may exhibit symptoms such as excess androgen, acne, and facial hair. This condition can affect the ovaries by the formation of cyst-like structures and inhibiting the process of ovulation.
  • COVID-19 vaccine: Studies suggest women may experience higher rates of menstruation delay post-vaccination jabs.
  • Endocrine Disorders: Women suffering from uncontrolled diabetes, and underactive or active thyroid conditions can disrupt menstrual cycles.
  • Breastfeeding: During lactation the levels of prolactin stay elevated, some women experience spotting and irregular periods during this phase.

Apart from this, other reasons for delayed periods are:

Estrogen levels vary throughout a woman’s period. There is an inverse relationship between estrogen and melatonin. Traveling and working the night shift impacts the circadian rhythm and delays ovulation. Many studies have also revealed regular consumption of junk food can lead to menstrual irregularities. Women suffering from eating disorders due to uneven fluctuations in weight go through menstrual irregularities.

What are the symptoms of late or delayed periods?

  • Weight gain or sudden shedding of pounds
  • Facial hair
  • Fatigue
  • Dry or oily skin

Diagnosis of delayed periods

Initially, a healthcare provider will take the history of the woman and do a physical examination of the breasts and pelvic region. For further investigation and confirmation, the healthcare provider may recommend:

  • Blood tests check the level of hormones such as follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), and 17-OH progesterone as well as HbA1C.
  • An ultrasound scan such as transvaginal ultrasonography– a primary investigative tool in women with irregular or delayed menses.

Treatment for delayed periods

Amidst this, women explore various solutions and remedies, including dietary changes, yoga, and medications. Let us get more insights on this:
Effective home remedies for delayed periods!

  • Papaya: It produces heat in the body and elevates the level of estrogen for regularizing the menstrual cycle.
  • Sesame seeds: Produce heat in the body and induce uterine contractions.
  • Aloe vera: Studies show that compounds present in Aloe vera elevate the level of estrogen and aid in dealing with menstrual irregularities.
  • Goldenseal:  Research suggests it aids in regularizing menstrual cycle and flow.
  • Pineapple: It contains an enzyme bromelain which can soften the uterus lining and aid to induce periods.
  • Ginger: The presence of certain anti-inflammatory compounds (such as gingerol) causes uterine contractions and helps to induce periods.
  • Turmeric: It is also an emmenagogue that can aid regulate the menstrual cycle by regulating the flow of blood in the uterus. Also, by maintaining hormonal balance.

Healthcare professionals or gynecologist may prescribe or recommend: 

  • the combined contraceptive pill to aid periods come more regularly for women suffering from PCOS.
  • Medroxyprogesterone is utilized to bring normal menstrual cycle on track in women who menstruated regularly in the past but have not menstruated for at least six months and who are not pregnant.
  • Hormone replacement therapy for women who will be entering menopause.

Delayed periods can be a sign of other underlying health problems. Therefore, seeking timely medical attention, appropriate diagnosis, and effective treatment can help a woman keep her menstrual cycle on track.


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