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Know The Top 11 Benefits of Antenatal Exercises
Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Know The Top 11 Benefits of Antenatal Exercises

Dr. Suneet Tayal Jun 28, 2024

Exercise does wonders for you during pregnancy. It helps to prepare you for childbirth by strengthening your muscles and building endurance. Also exercise helps getting?your body back in shape once the baby is born.
Benefits of Antenatal Exercises:

  • Exercise helps to relax you and make you feel better.
  • It improves the circulation for mother and baby.
  • It reduces aches and pains of pregnancy e.g. backache, cramps etc.
  • Exercise improves your stamina giving you more energy to cope with growing demands of pregnancy.?
  • There is improved posture and body awareness.
  • There is more controlled weight gain.
  • There is improved sleeping pattern.
  • Exercise reduces minor ailments like stiffness, tension, constipation, sleeplessness.
  • There is improved circulation thereby minimising varicose veins and swelling of feet.
  • Enhances psychological well-being.
  • Exercise has beneficial effect on the course and outcome of labour.

It is imperative to understand certain key points of Exercise during pregnancy-loose clothes, good shoes are very important. Start with warm up and then the stretching. Don?t overdo. If you experience any pain or discomfort immediately stop. Drink plenty of fluids before, during and after Exercise for adequate hydration. Walk is by far the best form of exercise during pregnancy. Also other forms of Exercise should be learnt from your attending?doctor?or fitness consultant.


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Meet the doctor

Dr. Suneet Tayal
  • Obstetrics and Gynaecology | Obstetrics and Gynaecology | Robotic Surgery
  • Date 45 Years
  • INR 800

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